Congratulations to our St. Mark CES newly elected Catholic School Council!
Our elected Catholic School Council voting members are:
Evelyn Bak Mauro, Lori Butler, Marjorie Celis, Maria Chirivella, Alex Christopoulos(Co/Vice Chair), Kim Glean(Secretary), Wilson Lai, Ray Liu, Lori McGrath(Chair), Alex Naghi(Treasurer), Tamara Otvos, and Breeda Ronco.
Congratulations to everyone!
Looking forward to another great year of working together to provide rich and diverse learning experiences for our students!
Our future meeting will be held in the school library at 6:30 pm:
Thursday Oct 27th 2022 at 6:30 pm; Wednesday November 23rd 2022; Thursday January 26th 2023; Wednesday March 29th 2023; Thursday June 1st 2023