Blessed Chiara Badano French Immersion Parent Information Night, April 17 2023

On Monday April 17, 2023, parents were invited to Blessed Chiara Badano  French Immersion Information Night held at St. Mark CES.

It was a great opportunity for parents of French Immersion students at St. Brendan, St Mark, and future new to our school board French Immersion parents to gather together and receive an update on the new Stouffville school, starting September 2023, as well as to learn about the life of Blessed Chiara Badano.

Thank you to our Trustee Elizabeth Crowe, Superintendent Joel Chiutsi, Coordinating Manager of Planning & Operations Tom Pechkovsky and Manager of Childcare Fran Zeppieri for attending the meeting and for answering parent questions.

Here is the slideshow for the evening presentation: