Weekly Update: June 3-7, 2024

Welcome to the month of June!

Today is Corpus Christi, or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  On this day we celebrate the gift of Jesus present in the Eucharist.

June is the month traditionally devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which for Catholics is a sign and symbol of God’s boundless and passionate love for all humanity.

Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who glory in the Heart of your beloved Son
and recall the wonders of his love for us,
may be made worthy to receive an overflowing measure
of grace from the fount of heavenly gifts.


St. Mark CES BBQ

Our St. Mark CES BBQ, sponsored by our Catholic School Council, takes place on Wednesday, June 12th from 5:30-7:30pm!

Don’t forget to visit www.school-day.com and place your food orders by Tuesday, June 4th!


Dressing for the Weather

The warmer weather is now upon us.  In anticipation of the heat, parents and guardians are invited to assist and support students in dressing for the weather.

As reflected in the YCDSB’s Elementary Student Dress Code and Procedure: Elementary Student Dress Code Addendum to Policy 219A Elementary Student Dress Code, student attire must be in keeping with our Catholic teachings and beliefs, and reflect the value of modesty and the principle of the dignity of the human person.

To assist in managing the heat, students should wear loose clothing and summer hats.  Garments are to have solid fabric, and upper garments are to cover the midriff and shoulders.

Please apply sunscreen to children in the morning before school to prepare them for the sun, and ensure that they have their refillable water bottle to stay hydrated at school.

Thank you for your continued support.  We look forward to enjoying the beautiful sunny weather!


Next Week’s Activities and Events

Here is a look ahead to next week…

Monday, June 3rd:

– Grades 3 and 6 EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, morning only

– First Communion Bracelet Making Workshop in the library, 11:30am-12:10pm (for students who received their First Holy Communion this school year); sponsored by Catholic School Council

Tuesday, June 4th:

– Grade 6 Family of Schools Farewell Mass at St. Mark’s Parish, 10:00am; Grade 6  parents and guardians are invited to attend

Thursday, June 6th:

– Grades 3 and 6 EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, morning only

Friday, June 7th:

– PA Day (no school)


Upcoming Activities and Events

June 12th:  End of Year BBQ, 5:00-7:00pm; sponsored by CSC

June 13th:  FDK Fire Hall Visit

June 13th:  Grades 3&4 Zoo Trip

June 19th:  End of Year Mass at St. Mark Parish, 10:00am; parents and guardians are invited to attend

June 20th:  Talent Show, 12:30pm; parents and guardians are invited to attend

June 20th:  Catholic School Council Meeting, 6:30pm

June 21st:  Grade 6 End of Year Trip at Timber Creek, all day

June 21st:  FDK End of Year Celebration in gym, 12:30pm; FDK parents and guardians are invited to attend

June 24th:  Junior Track and Field Area Meet at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS, all day; ; parents and guardians are invited to attend

June 25th:  Grade 6 Celebration in gym, 12:30pm; Grade 6 parents and guardians are invited to attend

June 26th:  PLAY Day

June 28th:  PA Day (no school)

June 28th:  Reports cards available via Parent Portal at 4:00pm


Closing Prayer

In the Sacred Heart, every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In that divine heart beats God’s infinite love for everyone and for each of us as individuals.

– St. John Paul, Homily for the Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart during his Apostolic Voyage to Canada (1984)


Sacred Heart of Jesus,
we place all our trust in you.


St. Mark, pray for us.


Wishing you a wonderful week!


C. Quadrini, Principal