Weekly Update: June 24-28, 2024

Thursday, June 27th is Multiculturalism Day in Canada.  This day honours the many cultural communities that help build a strong and vibrant Canadian society.  We  celebrate our diversity and appreciate the contributions of the various multicultural groups and communities to Canadian society.

O God,
You created all people in your image.
We thank you for the astonishing variety
of races and cultures in this world.
Enrich our lives by ever-widening circles of friendship,
and show us your presence
in those who differ most from us,
until our knowledge of your love is made perfect
in our love for all your children;
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


A Special Message for Track & Field Team Members

We were unable to have our final reminder meeting on Friday due to field trips and a number of children who were absent. Please read through this note for information about the Track and Field meet tomorrow, Monday June 24th at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS.

Our athletes and student helpers will depart St. Mark CES by bus at approximately 9:00am. The meet is scheduled to start between 9:45-10:00am. Please see the schedule of events that was attached to your child’s permission form to gauge what time your child will be competing. There is NO guarantee with event times as each race is based on the timing of the one prior. Parking is very difficult around the track, you may have to walk some distance, so please adjust your times accordingly so you don’t miss watching a race. Our athletes will arrive back at St. Mark CES before 2:00pm. If you wish to take your child home directly from the track you MUST sign them out with Mrs. Sanchez before leaving. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please have your athlete wear their St. Mark spiritwear on Monday. If they do not have a t-shirt to wear, we have some they can borrow for the day. A reminder for all athletes that require an epipen or inhaler to please have them attached to themselves (on his/her person) for the duration of the day. For all other information please refer back to the track package you received a couple weeks ago.

To be prepared for a day outdoors, we ask that the athletes have:
– sunscreen
– a hat
– reusable water bottle(s)
– a full lunch with plenty of snacks
– proper footwear
– change of clothes if they wish

*Please dress according to the weather on Monday.

A reminder that no students are permitted to leave the track and field grounds at any time, even to buy food.

We look forward to a sunny day filled with fun!

The Track and Field Coaches


Hot Lunch Program 

A reminder that our last Pizzaville hot lunch day takes place on Tuesday, June 25th.  There will be no other Subway and Booster Juice orders this year.

We thank our Catholic School Council and parent volunteers who have dedicated their time to running the hot lunch program, at St. Mark CES!



St. Mark CES’ 2024-24 yearbook is here!  For those who ordered a yearbook for their child(ren), copies will be distributed this week.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Don’t forget, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is seeking our support for their Pencil Case Project!  This end of school year request invites donations of used school supplies to send to children of Grenada, West Indies.

Donations from the following list are greatly appreciated:
– used pencil cases and contents
– backpacks / sports bags
– rulers, erasers, sharpeners, math sets, calculators, scissors
– crayons, pencils, pens, markers, pencil crayons
– gently used toys, games, crafts
– sports equipment (e.g., balls, gloves)
– blank notebooks, blank paper, duotangs, folders

If you are willing to donate any of your child’s used school supplies, please drop them off to the front foyer on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Thank you for your consideration!


Next Week’s Activities and Events

Here is a look ahead to next week…

Monday, June 24th:
– Junior Track and Field Area Meet at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS, all day; parents and guardians are invited to attend

Tuesday, June 25th:
– Grade 6 Celebration in gym, 12:30pm; families of Grade 6 students are invited to attend

Wednesday, June 27th:
– PLAY Day, Kindergarten to Grade 6, all day

Thursday, June 28th:
– Last day of school!
– Drop off of used student school supplies for the Pencil Case Project, sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Friday, June 28th:
– PA Day (no school)
– Reports cards available via Parent Portal at 4:00pm


Closing Prayer

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
we place all our trust in you.

St. Mark, pray for us.


A final end of year message will be sent to parents/guardians next weekend.

Wishing you a fantastic last week of school!

C. Quadrini, Principal