Tomorrow, we celebrate Canada Day. It is with pride and gratitude that we reflect on what it means to be Canadian, and all the wonderful blessings that we enjoy as a country.
Let us offer this prayer in thanksgiving:
We thank You, O God for the many blessings
You have bestowed on the people of Canada.
We thank You for the rich gifts of this land, and for those
who teach us to live in harmony with its resources.
We thank you for every person whose loving work,
leadership and ministry has helped this country
shine with the light of Christ.
We ask you to bless this country;
bless our families and communities with Your peace.
Make us good stewards of its resources
and inspire us to shine with Christ’s light in all that we do.
We make this prayer to you through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Class Placements
We continue to adjust and refine class placements to reflect and balance the needs of all students. In light of the number of factors that can impact class placements, including new enrollment over the summer, class placements will be announced prior to the start of the school year. An email will be sent to parents/guardians by the evening of Monday, September 2nd.
Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child or know someone who has a child who is eligible to register for Kindergarten this coming fall? Parents and guardians, don’t forget to register online at: .
Farewell and Welcome to Students, Families & Staff
As we begin the summer break, we take time to say goodbye to all those who will be leaving the St. Mark CES community. To our students who will be moving to new schools in the fall, including our Grade 6 students who will attend St. Katharine Drexel CHS, as well as families who are moving to a new home, we wish you well and pray that you have a successful transition.
We say farewell to a number of staff members, including Mrs. Zeppieri, Ms. Khan-Paulo, Mr. Alonzi, Ms. Papa and Mrs. Milucci. We thank these staff members for their dedication and contributions to St. Mark CES, and wish them the very best for their new placements in the fall.
We welcome new students and their families who will join us in September. We also welcome Ms. Ponzo, who joins the St. Mark CES staff as the Kindergarten teacher who replaces Mrs. Zeppieri.
Closing Prayer and Final Message
God of wisdom,
We thank you for all the gifts
you have given us throughout this school year.
We praise you for giving us life,
for saving us in Christ,
and for choosing us to be your people.
As we come to the end of this school year,
we voice our gratitude for the good things
you have done for us, and we praise you
for all who have shared in the work of this school.
We ask you to bless them in your love
and give them refreshment and peace.
We praise you, God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns forever and ever.
St. Mark, pray for us.
Our weekly updates will resume in September.
Wishing you a safe and happy summer!

C. Quadrini, Principal