Welcome Back and First Day of School Information

I hope this email finds you and your family well, and you enjoyed a wonderful summer filled with many joyful and memorable moments.

As we anticipate the start of the school year, let us pray for students, staff and families, as they prepare for the first day of school.

God of love, Jesus the teacher, and Spirit of wisdom:

As children prepare for their first day of the school year,
Let them place their dreams and cares before you.
Be with them in their hope. Be with them in their anxiety.
Be with them in their learning. Be with them in their friendships.
Let them know that you are always walking with them,
giving them courage and strength for the journey through this school year.

Bless all St. Mark CES students, staff and families.
For those new to our school, may they feel welcomed.
For the staff of our school, may they be filled with the Holy Spirit
to inspire and nurture students to grow in faith, love and hope.
For families, may they feel the embrace and support of staff and the entire community.



First Day Return to School Information

We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday, September 3rd!

Class placements will be sent in a separate email on Monday, September 2nd in the evening, via School Messenger.

On Tuesday morning, staff members will be in the school yard and Kindergarten pen to greet students and parents. Please look for your child’s classroom teacher by referring to the reverse side of the teacher’s clipboard. At dismissal time, classroom teachers will escort students to the school yard.

Our Kiss and Ride loop on the north side is reserved for drop off and pick up of students who can independently exit and enter their vehicle. As this is a fire route, please do not park your vehicle anywhere along the route. Instead, please park in the church parking lot, next to the school, and walk your child. We appreciate all parents and guardians parking in this lot as we have a limited number of staff parking spots at St. Mark CES, and want to ensure that the loop runs efficiently and safely for all students. Thank you for your cooperation.


Parents and guardians of children who are eligible for busing are encouraged to visit Student Transportation Services of York Region. Please visit http://net.schoolbuscity.com to verify eligibility for transportation and confirm your child(ren)’s bus stop.


A reminder of our school day timetable:


Please note that there is no uniform or standardized dress code when attending St. Mark CES, however appropriate attire is expected.


If your child has any medical conditions (e.g., anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes), please complete and return the form(s) that will be sent to you during the first week of school. Appropriate management plans will be developed, and medications stored in the office, to ensure student safety and well-being. For families new to the school, please ensure that you have communicated with the office regarding your child’s medical condition.

We have a number of children in the school who have severe allergies which can cause anaphylaxis. We ask that all parents and guardians refrain from sending any foods that may trigger anaphylaxis. Classroom teachers will send parents and guardians classroom-specific allergy alert letters.


Safe Arrival

A reminder that parents and guardians are required to report their child(ren)’s absence or late arrival in advance, or before bell time for the current day by accessing the Elementary Safe Arrival Program.:

Thank you for your attention to this important information about the reporting of your child’s attendance for the upcoming school year.


Thank you and final message

A special thank you to our St. Mark CES staff, including teachers, ECEs, EAs, EIs, secretaries and custodians for their hard work and dedication to prepare the school building and start-up materials for our return to school. They are appreciated!

Thank you for reviewing the information in this communication. Weekly updates, shared on Sunday evenings, will resume on September 8th.

We look forward to welcoming your children back to school, fostering for them a faith-filled, safe and engaging learning environment, and our ongoing partnership with you. We pray for God’s blessings and graces for a wonderful start to the 2024-25 school year!

Have a fantastic long weekend!

C. Quadrini, Principal