Weekly Update: September 30 – October 4, 2024

Today is the Feast Day of Saints Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.

Gabriel brought messages to God’s people about the coming of the Messiah, as promised by God. Gabriel appeared to Mary in Nazareth, telling her that she was chosen by God to give birth to our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Raphael, known as the “healing power of God,” is the patron saint of young people, shepherds, people who are ill, and travelers.

Michael is known as both a protector of the Church and as a healer.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the gift of the Archangels whom we honour today.
Thank you for their powerful work in our lives.
Help us to rely upon them and to love them for their service.
Archangels, pray for us, heal us, teach us, and protect us.


Terry Fox Run

Thank you to all families who join us for the Terry Fox Run! It was a beautiful sunny day with students, staff and families walking and running while remembering a special loved one affected by cancer.

We are grateful for the generous donations made online and monetary donations received at school which will support the Terry Fox Foundation. A final total of all donations received will be shared in our next weekly update.


Safety Week

A reminder that September 30th to October 4th is Safety Awareness Week.

As part of our safety initiative, St. Mark CES will practise a variety of safety procedures with students and staff during this week. We will continue to hold practice drills throughout the year to acquaint students with various emergency protocols. Teachers will review these procedures with students in class prior to our practice drills.


Thanksgiving Food Drive

Next week, from October 7th to 11th , St. Mark CES will host a Thanksgiving food drive to assist families in need. All food donations will support the Whitchurch Stouffville Food Bank.

Families are invited to donate non-perishable food items. Some of the most needed items are dried lentils, dried beans, barley, baked beans, canned tomatoes, pasta sauce, hot chocolate, apple sauce, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6, 7), shampoo, and bars of soap. We hope to collect 750 items!

Thank you for giving generously to support our neighbours in need.


Catholic School Council

Tomorrow, Monday, September 30th, 2024 is the last day to submit a nomination to be a voting member of St. Mark’s Catholic School Council. Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline.

Thank you for considering this opportunity!


X Movement

We are excited to once again host X Movement at St. Mark CES! X Movement’s experiential learning uses a combination of high and low energy activities to help engage the social, emotional, mind and body quadrants, all while giving habit-building tools as takeaways.

Students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 will participate in the X OTHER 2.0 program on October 15th, 16th and 17th which focuses on C.A.R.E, Calm – Ask – Reflect – Engage

C – Calm yourself + others
A – Ask quality questions of yourself and others
R – Reflect + respect yourself and others
E – Engage in connection actions

This model teaches students that even though they don’t need to be friends with everyone, they can choose to C.A.R.E, which will ultimately allow connections to be made and strengthened, and will contribute to creating a positive school climate.

We look forward to these days of learning and fun!


Next Week’s Activities and Events

Here is a look ahead to next week…

September 30th – October 4th is Safety Week at St. Mark CES

Monday, September 30th:
– Orange Shirt Day; students and staff are invited to wear an orange shirt
– Last day for CSC Nominations to be submitted to the main office

Wednesday, October 2nd:
– CSC Elections, 6:30-7:30pm, in the school library

Friday, October 4th:
– Markham Fair trip, Grades 1-6


Upcoming Activities and Events

October 7th: St. Mark Parish Youth Minister Presentation at 10:00am in the library, Grades 5&6

October 9th: Cross Country Meet at Bruce’s Mill Conservation Park

October 10th: STREAM Centre Visit, Grade 5/6 Class (DeAcetis)

October 11th: Thanksgiving Liturgy, 12:30pm in the gymnasium; families are welcome to attend

October 14th: Thanksgiving Day (no school)

October 15th-17th: X Movement

October 22nd: Praying the Rosary with the Rosary Apostolate

October 24th: Picture Day

October 28th-31st: Halloween Spirit Week

October 31st: Halloween Dance

Closing Prayer

In honour of St. Gabriel’s visit to our blessed mother, let us pray:

Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed are thou among women and
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
Pray for us sinners now and
At the hour of our death.

St. Mark, pray for us.

Wishing you a fantastic week!

C. Quadrini, Principal