Happy New Year! I hope you and your family enjoyed a blessed Christmas, filled with plenty of family time and wonderful memories.
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. This day celebrates that Jesus was revealed as the son of God. Just as the Wise Men brought gifts, all of us are called to reflect the light of Christ by using our gifts, talents and skills to serve others.
Loving God,
We thank you for all Your gifts to us:
for making us, for loving us,
for calling us to be Your children.
This New Year, we give thanks
for all the good things You have done for us.
We ask you to continue to bless us
with Your love throughout the year.
Morning and After School Routines
We thank parents, guardians and caregivers for parking their vehicle in the church parking lot so that they can accompany their child(ren) to school. A reminder to parents, guardians and caregivers to refrain from entering the school yard and Kindergarten pen. Please do not bring pets on the school property. These efforts will support the safety of our students as well as develop their confidence and independence.
With the winter weather upon us, this is a reminder to please use the Kiss and Ride loop appropriately. Refer to the diagram and instructions below to review the flow of vehicles moving safely and efficiently through the loop.
Students exit the vehicle on the passenger side and are to get onto the sidewalk right away to ensure their safety. The driver does not get out of the vehicle. If your child cannot exit the vehicle without your assistance, please park in the church parking lot, and walk your child to the schoolyard.
We realize that dropping off your child can be rushed, frustrating at times, and time-consuming, however we trust that we will all prioritize student safety. This is a community effort! Thank you for your patience and assistance. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child or know someone who has a child who is eligible to register for Kindergarten this coming fall? If yes, please note that 2025-2026 Kindergarten registration at the York Catholic District School Board will open on January 8th, 2025!
Parents are invited to register online at: www.ycdsb.ca/admissions .
Catholic School Council (CSC)
A reminder that St. Mark’s CSC will open hot lunch orders in January 2025. Look for a separate communication coming soon!
Our next CSC meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30pm in the school library. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend.
Next Week’s Activities and Events
Here is a look ahead to next week…
Monday, January 6th:
– Back to school
Tuesday, January 7th:
– School Bus Safety Online Interactive Presentations
Wednesday, January 8th:
– School Bus Safety Online Interactive Presentations
Upcoming Activities and Events
January 15th: Junior Boys Triple Ball Tournament at St. Mark CES, all day
January 16th: Junior Girls Triple Ball Tournament at St. Brigid CES, all day
January 17th: PA Day (no school)
January 21st: Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
January 21st: Grade 6 Carrying Holocaust Presentation, 10:00am in the Library
January 31st: PA Day (no school)
February 6th: Mass at St. Mark Parish, 10:00am
February 10-14th: Carnaval Week!
February 11th: Term 1 Report Cards available via Parent Portal, 4:00pm
February 12th: CSC Meeting in library, 6:30pm
February 13th: Skate Day, Primary and Junior Classes; time TBA
February 17th: Family Day (no school)
February 18th: Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
February 24-28th: Anti-Bullying Week
Closing Prayer
During the month of January, let us conclude with our prayer for unity.
God of harmony and unity,
You want us all to work together to build Your kingdom.
May our ears hear Your voice clearly
May our eyes see Your beauty in all
May our understanding break down walls of fear and prejudice.
May we make our school and community
a place of friendship, a place of belonging,
a place of welcome,
where everyone feels safe.
where everyone has a place
where all are united in You, dear God.
St. Mark, pray for us.
On behalf of the St. Mark CES staff, we look forward to welcoming your children back to school for the start of a great year!
Wishing you and your family God’s blessings and graces in 2025.
C. Quadrini, Principal