Tomorrow is Family Day, a good day to pause and thank God for the gift of our families. We know that parents and those who act as parents in the lives of our students can be models of wisdom.
Loving God,
you gave us the commandment to honour our father and mother.
In your loving kindness hear our prayers for parents,
and for those who play parenting roles in the lives of our students.
Give them long lives and keep them well in body and spirit.
Bless their work; keep them always in your care.
Bless them generously for their loving care for our students.
May we always be their support and comfort;
May we all experience the joy of together praising you forever.
Dressing for the Weather
A reminder that with the snow and cold temperatures upon us, please dress children for the weather. Warm jackets, snow pants, scarves, hats, gloves and boots will keep children warm and ready to enjoy recess outdoors! Parents and guardians are encouraged to send extra clothing to school in the event that students need to change wet clothing.
Next Week’s Activities and Events
Here is a look ahead to next week…
Monday, February 17th:
– Family Day (no school)
Tuesday, February 18th:
– Praying the Rosary with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
Thursday, February 20th:
– STREAM Centre Visit (Grade 1/2 Class – Morra) at All Saints CES, all day
Upcoming Activities and Events
February 24-28th: Anti-Bullying Week
February 26th: Pink Shirt Day
February 27th: Skate Day at Stouffville Arena (rescheduled as per School-Day event description)
February 27th: Youth Minister Visit, 11:30am-12:10pm
March 3rd & 4th: Dairy Farmers Class Presentations
March 5th: Ash Wednesday Service at St. Mark Parish, 10:15am; families are welcome to attend
March 10th-14th: March Break (no school)
Closing Prayer
In February, we continue to celebrate the virtue of wisdom. Let us close with the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
St. Mark, pray for us.
Wishing you a wonderful Family Day and week!
C. Quadrini, Principal