I hope you enjoyed this cold and frosty weekend!
Tomorrow, January 20th, is the day of recognition of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., the American leader of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. His dream was focused on unity, inclusion, equity and justice for all.
I have a dream that one day, all people will be created equal.
I have a dream that one day, we will all be able to sit down together at the table.
I have a dream that one day, we will live in a nation where people will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by who they are.
This will be the day when all of God’s children will join hands and sing freedom.
Martin Luther King Jr., 1963
Dear God,
Each one of us is Your work of art,
We are all your children.
Help us to see the beauty in one another.
Help us to appreciate the many gifts we can offer to one another.
Help us to be the people you call us to be.
TerraCotta Cookies for Sale
We are excited to offer students the opportunity to purchase TerraCotta vanilla cookies for Valentine’s Day and Easter!
Vanilla Heart Cookie – delivery date: February 14th, 2025
Vanilla Butterfly Cookie – delivery date: April 23rd, 2025
Students will enjoy this special treat during last snack.
This school-based fundraising initiative will provide a small subsidy for the Grade 6 Celebration trip to the Marlies game.
For information regarding TerraCotta vanilla heart and butterfly cookie ingredients and nutritional information, visit the link below:
TerraCotta Vanilla Seasonal Cookies (Heart and Butterfly)_2025
Visit www.school-day.com to place your orders! The deadline for orders is Sunday, January 26th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Thank you for your support!
Triple Ball
Congratulations to our junior girls and boys triple ball teams for their tremendous achievements at their local tournaments last week! The boys team placed first and the girls team tied for first! Well done LIONS!!
Catholic School Council (CSC)
A reminder that the deadlines to order hot lunches from Pizzaville and Astoria Greek are soon approaching!
DEADLINE TO PLACE ORDERS VIA SCHOOL DAY IS JANUARY 22ND at 11:59pm. Pizza Tuesdays from January 28th to April 8th
Astoria Greek
DEADLINE TO PLACE ORDERS VIA SCHOOL DAY IS JANUARY 24TH at 11:59pm. Astoria Greek Thursdays from January 30th to April 10th.
Visit www.school-day.com to place your orders! Please note that the deadline for each order is FINAL. No exceptions will be made.
Thank you for your support of our hot lunch program!
Next Week’s Activities and Events
Here is a look ahead to next week…
Tuesday, January 21st:
– Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
– Grade 6 Carrying Holocaust Presentation in the library, 10:00am
Wednesday, January 22nd:
– Bell Let’s Talk Day
Upcoming Activities and Events
January 31st: PA Day (no school)
February 6th: Mass at St. Mark Parish, 10:00am
February 10-14th: Carnaval Week!
February 11th: Term 1 Report Cards available via Parent Portal, 4:00pm
February 12th: CSC Meeting in library, 6:30pm
February 13th: Skate Day, Primary and Junior Classes; times TBA
February 17th: Family Day (no school)
February 18th: Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
February 24-28th: Anti-Bullying Week
Closing Prayer
During the month of January, let us conclude with our prayer for unity.
God of harmony and unity,
You want us all to work together to build your kingdom.
May our ears hear your voice clearly
May our eyes see your beauty in all
May our understanding break down walls of fear and prejudice.
May we make our school and community
a place of friendship, a place of belonging,
a place of welcome,
where everyone feels safe.
where everyone has a place
where all are united in you, dear God.
St. Mark, pray for us.
Wishing you a great week!
C. Quadrini, Principal