Weekly Update: February 3-7, 2025


Welcome to February!

February is Black Heritage Month. Throughout this month we celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians both past and present. We recognize the courage of those forced to fight for freedom and equality. May their example inspire us to build a community of justice in our school, community, and throughout the world.

God of every people, race and culture,
we rejoice in the wonderful diversity of our human family,
each person made in your own image.
As we observe Black Heritage Month, help us to honour
and learn from the history of Black communities across Canada,
to stand in solidarity with them in their quest for justice and respect,
and to work together toward a future where every person
is cherished, where everyone’s dignity is upheld.
Where racism and discrimination still linger,
change our hearts and show us how to love like you.
We praise you, Father, through Jesus your Son,
in the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

As part of Black Heritage Month, staff will engage students in learning about the stories, experiences, and accomplishments of Black Canadians.


Carnaval Week

St. Mark CES is thrilled to be celebrating Carnaval from February 10th to 14th!  Our calendar with theme days will be shared in a separate email this week.

We look forward to our skating and winter play events (weather permitting):

Kindergarten classes:
Winter play at Rupert Park
Wednesday, February 12th, 9:00-11:00am

Primary classes (Grades 1-3):
Skating at Stouffville Arena
Thursday, February 13th, 9:00-10:30am

Junior classes (Grades 3/4-6):
Skating at Stouffville Arena
Thursday, February 13th, 12:30-2:00pm

We thank the Catholic School Council for sponsoring our skate events for primary and junior classes. There will be no cost to families.

In order to participate in our skate events, students must have all of the necessary equipment: well fitted ice skates, a CSA approved hockey helmet, and a pair of winter gloves. Bicycle or ski helmets are not permitted. Please note that students will not be able to purchase food and drinks at the arena.

For our Kindergarten winter play event, there will be no tobogganing.

Please visit www.school-day.com to complete the registration(s) for your child(ren).

Students not participating in these events will remain at school and be supervised by staff.

We thank parent volunteers for their willingness to supervise and assist students at our events.

We look forward to these fun-filled events.  Vive le Carnaval!


Catholic School Council (CSC)

Our next CSC meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30pm in the school library. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend.


Active School Travel

The snow has fallen and the winter season is now in full swing! Celebrate the colder months of the year by staying active alongside your peers and school community with Winter Walk Day on February 5th! Students and their families are encouraged to walk to and from school so dress for the weather, be ready to catch snowflakes, get active and have some fun!

For more information on the benefits of walking to and from school, please see the YCDSB Active School Travel February newsletter.

February AST Communication - Winter Walk Day



Next Week’s Activities and Events

Here is a look ahead to next week…

Thursday, February 6th:
– Mass at St. Mark Parish at 10:00am; families are invited to attend


Upcoming Activities and Events

February 10-14th: Carnaval Week!

February 11th: Term 1 Report Cards available via Parent Portal, 4:00pm

February 12th: Kindergarten Winter Play Day at Rupert Park, 9:00-11:00am

February 12th: CSC Meeting in library, 6:30pm

February 13th: Skate Day at Stouffville Arena; Primary classes, 9:00-10:30am; Junior classes, 12:30-2:00pm

February 14th: TerraCotta Valentine’s Day Cookies delivered (for orders placed)

February 17th: Family Day (no school)

February 18th: Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes

February 24-28th: Anti-Bullying Week

February 26th: Pink Shirt Day

February 27th: Youth Minister Visit, 11:30am-12:10pm


Closing Prayer

In February, we celebrate the virtue of wisdom, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Let us close with the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

St. Mark, pray for us.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

C. Quadrini, Principal