During the month of February, we reflect on the virtue of wisdom. May we each pray and ask God to help us to use good judgment when speaking, and to have thoughts worthy of what we have received, for God is the source of all wisdom.
Let us pray this prayer for wisdom and peace:
God of love, you teach us that there is
wisdom in peacefulness; wisdom in balance;
wisdom in joy; wisdom in hope;
wisdom in patience; wisdom in truth.
May we have the courage to work
for peace in our school community.
Carnaval Week
We look forward to celebrating Carnaval from February 10th to 14th! Our calendar with theme days is shown below.
We look forward to a fun-filled week of special activities and events. Vive le Carnaval!
Kiss and Ride Loop
A reminder to all parents, guardians and caregivers to please park vehicles in the church parking lot and accompany their child(ren) to school. Please refrain from entering the school yard and Kindergarten pen, and do not bring pets on the school property. These efforts will support the safety of our students as well as develop their confidence and independence.
With the winter weather upon us, this is a reminder to please use the Kiss and Ride loop appropriately.
Refer to the diagram and instructions below to review the flow of vehicles moving safely and efficiently through the loop.
Vehicles are to stop adjacent (next) to the curb located on the right side. Students exit the vehicle on the passenger side and are to get onto the sidewalk right away to ensure their safety. The driver does not get out of the vehicle. Please do not stop your vehicle anywhere else along the loop to avoid the risk of injury to you and your child(ren). If your child cannot exit the vehicle without your assistance, please park in the church parking lot, and walk your child to the schoolyard.
We realize that dropping off your child can be rushed, frustrating at times, and time-consuming, however we trust that we will all prioritize student safety. This is a community effort! Thank you for your patience and assistance. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Mental Health
School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO) is excited to share the launch of By Your Side, a new toolkit and learning hub designed to support parents/caregivers in engaging in meaningful mental health learning.
By Your Side recognizes the expertise of parents and caregivers and offers resources to support and strengthen mental health and well-being in every family.
Please see the By Your Side postcard for more information.
Anti-Bullying Week
February 24th to 28th will be dedicated to continued learning about anti-bullying, including understanding conflict vs bullying, strategies to respond to bullying, and building positive peer relationships. We look forward to engaging students in meaningful learning activities.
Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child or know someone who has a child who is eligible to register for Kindergarten this coming fall? If yes, please note that 2025-2026 Kindergarten registration at the York Catholic District School Board is open!
Parents are invited to register online at: www.ycdsb.ca/admissions .
Family Day
Monday, February 17th is Family Day. There will be no school. We hope that you and your family enjoy this special day together.
Next Week’s Activities and Events
Here is a look ahead to next week…
Carnaval Week: February 10th-14th!
Tuesday, February 11th:
– Report cards available via Parent Portal after 4:00pm; visit https://smk.ycdsb.ca/parents/ and select ConnectEd (right side navigation bar)
Wednesday, February 12th:
– Kindergarten Winter Play Day at Rupert Park, 9:00-11:00am
– CSC Meeting in the Library, 6:30pm
Thursday, February 13th:
– Skate Day at Stouffville Arena
> Primary classes (Grades 1-3), 9:00-10:30am
> Junior classes (Grades 3/4 to 6), 12:30-2:00pm
Friday, February 14th:
– Valentine’s Day!
– Bal D’Hiver / Winter Dance; students only supervised by staff
> FDK classes, 10:30-11:00am
> Primary class (Grades 1-3), 12:20-12:50pm
> Junior classes (Grades 3/4 to 6), 1:00-1:30pm
– TerraCotta Valentine heart cookies delivered (for orders placed) during last snack
Upcoming Activities and Events
February 17th: Family Day (no school)
February 18th: Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
February 24-28th: Anti-Bullying Week
February 26th: Pink Shirt Day
February 27th: Youth Minister Visit, 11:30am-12:10pm
March 3rd & 4th: Dairy Farmers Class Presentations
March 5th: Ash Wednesday Service at St. Mark Parish, 10:15am; families are welcome to attend
March 10th-14th: March Break (no school)
Closing Prayer
In February, we continue to celebrate the virtue of wisdom. Let us close with the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
St. Mark, pray for us.
Wishing you a fantastic week!
C. Quadrini, Principal