Today is the Second Sunday of Lent. We continue our Lenten journey.
Almighty and Everlasting God,
You have given the human race
Jesus Christ our Saviour as a model of humility.
He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man
and giving His life on the Cross.
Help us to bear witness to You
by following His example of suffering,
and make us worthy to share in His Resurrection.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Dressing for the Weather
A reminder that with the milder temperatures upon us, please dress children for the weather. Warm rain jackets, gloves, rain boots and umbrellas will keep children prepared for the rainy season! Parents and guardians are encouraged to send extra clothing to school in the event that students need to change wet clothing.
St. Mark CES’ first junior hockey team is now formed! We wish the team the best of luck as they prepare for The Cup Junior Classic Hockey Tournament, hosted by Sacred Heart CHS, on March 25th at the Magna Centre in Newmarket. GO LIONS!!!
Next Week’s Activities and Events
Here is a look ahead to next week…
Monday, March 17th:
– Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Tuesday, March 18th:
– Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
– St. Mark Parish Youth Minister Visit, 11:30am-12:10pm
Wednesday, March 19th:
– Taking Charge of Me (Session #1), Grades 4/5, 5/6 and 6 classes
– Annual Grade 6 Exit Survey
Friday, March 21st:
– World Down Syndrome Day
Students and staff are invited to wear mismatched socks to support the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down syndrome in our schools, community, and around the world!
Upcoming Activities and Events
March 25th: The Cup Junior Classic Hockey Tournament at the Magna Centre, all day
March 26th: Taking Charge of Me (Session #2), Grades 4/5, 5/6 and 6 classes
March 27th: Boardwide Lenten Mass (virtual), 1:45-2:30pm
April 2nd: World Autism Day
April 2nd: Grade 6 Celebration Trip, Marlies Game, all day
April 3rd: Grade 3 STREAM Centre Visit (Harrison) at All Saints CES, all day
April 9th: Taking Charge of Me (Session #3), Grades 4/5, 5/6 and 6 classes
April 11th: Grade 2 STREAM Centre Visit (Remisiar) at All Saints CES, all day
April 14th-17th: Holy Week
April 15th: Praying with the Rosary Apostolate, K-6 classes
April 16th: Taking Charge of Me (Session #4), Grades 4/5, 5/6 and 6 classes
April 17th: Holy Thursday Prayer Service in the gymnasium, 12:30pm
April 17th: St. Mark Parish Youth Minister Visit, 11:30am-12:10pm
April 18th: Good Friday (no school)
April 20th: Easter Sunday
April 21st: Easter Monday (no school)
April 22nd: Earth Day
April 22nd: Grade 2 STREAM Centre Visit (Lee) at All Saints CES, all day
April 23rd: Taking Charge of Me (Session #5), Grades 4/5, 5/6 and 6 classes
April 23rd: CSC Meeting in the library, 6:30pm; all parents and guardians are welcome to attend
April 25th: Easter & Feast Day Mass at St. Mark Parish, 8:30am; families are welcome to attend
April 30th: Taking Charge of Me (Session #6), Grades 4/5, 5/6 and 6 classes
May 1st: Junior Oral Communications School-Level Competition in the gymnasium, 8:45am
May 4th: Sacrament of First Holy Communion celebrated at St. Mark Parish, 2:00pm
Closing Prayer
Throughout the season of Lent, we close with our Lenten prayer.
God of the Journey,
Walk with us this Lent.
Teach us to pray, fast, and give
in ways that bring us closer to you.
Help us to persevere in staying with you
on the journey through Lent to Easter.
St. Mark, pray for us.
We look forward to welcoming students back to school tomorrow.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
C. Quadrini, Principal