Category: General

French Immersion Information Session: December 2, 2021

Parents are invited to attend our annual French Immersion information session on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7 pm. The information session will provide an overview of the French Immersion program and explain the criteria for enrolment, as well as the application and registration processes.

Parents and guardians interested in learning more about the program or enrolling their children for ... Continue reading "French Immersion Information Session: December 2, 2021"

Remembrance Day

On Thursday November 11th, all students and staff wore their poppy proudly.

A big thank you goes out to the students in Mr. Macri’s class for leading us in prayer during our Liturgy. Thank you to Michelle, Erin, Charlize, Luke and Michael, our wonderful readers.

Thank you to all parents for their generous donations for the poppies. Our money collection will ... Continue reading "Remembrance Day"

Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) for All Grade 4 Students

In October, all grade 4 students in our Board will write the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) to determine eligibility for the P.A.C.E. (Program for Academic and Creative Extension), or Gifted Program. At  St. Mark, students selected for PACE attend St. Justin Martyr in Grade 5 for this program.

Results will be available later this year, and parents of students who may be ... Continue reading "Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) for All Grade 4 Students"

Candidates To Our Catholic School Council: Submitted Biographies

Biographies of Our Catholic School Council Candidates:

Alex Christopoulos – joined Icon Digital Productions Inc. in March 2008.  In 2009 he played a key role in the acquisition of Gridcast Media Inc and in 2017 acquisitions of both Toronto Trade Printers and Asterisk Media. 

Alex has over 18 years of working experience in Finance and Accounting, with 12 years’ experience in ... Continue reading "Candidates To Our Catholic School Council: Submitted Biographies"

SMK Curriculum Night September 23, 2021

Curriculum Night Address, Sept. 23 2021

On Thursday September 23, parents and guardians attended our virtual Curriculum Night.  During the evening, following a livestreamed introduction by Ms. Walter (principal), parents and guardians were invited to visit their child/ren’s google classroom to view a presentation from their child/ren’s teachers.

All Curriculum Night information will remain in google classroom for a ... Continue reading "SMK Curriculum Night September 23, 2021"