Catholic School Council

The Catholic School Council is an advisory body whose mission is to enhance the education of our children in a faith-centered environment in partnership with the school, parish, community and home.

CSC News

More Catholic School Council News


Chair Alex Christopoulos
Treasurer Rose Pizzulo
Secretary Laura Chiavalon
Parent Representatives Amanda Andolina

Eaven O’Connor

Breeda Ronco

Stephanie Steele

Teacher Representative Grace Couperthwaite
Non-Teaching Representative Karen Emmerson



Listed below are some of the active committees of our school council. New members are always welcome to help with the many tasks involved in the various committees!

Community Building

To organize and promote events and activities for all members of our school (students, parents and staff) to help us gather, learn and celebrate as a community.

PRO Grant

To apply for financial resources accessible to school councils through the Ministry of Education’s “Parent Reaching Out” program and to determine and organize events for which these funds are to be used.

Food Services

To organize and implement the various lunch and popcorn programs initiated by the school council.


To determine and organize school council fundraising activities and events.


To help recruit and facilitate the many volunteers needed for the various activities of school council.


To promote and communicate school council activities and events in conjunction with the school’s website.


To research and apply for available funding for school council projects.