Welcome to SMK Kindergarten Website
Please visit our Welcome to Kindergarten Website: https://sites.google.com/ycdsb.ca/smk-wtk/home You will find a wealth of information...
Learning From Our Grandparents
Students in grades 4-8 had the opportunity to learn from their grandparents during Catholic Education...
Agenda for April 28 2021 Catholic School Council Meeting
We hope to see you at our virtual meeting this evening at 7:00 pm SMK...
STEM Challenge Day at SMK
On April 8th, the whole school, face to face students and remote learners, participated in...
Staying Safe at School
Effective changes for Schools reopening February 16th to ensure our students and staff safety. ...
Coding for Success!
On the February 1st PA Day, our teachers were engaged in learning more about coding...
#Bell Let’s Talk
On January 28th 2021, students across the grades engaged in activities around mental health. Our...
Merry Christmas!
Wishing everyone a most Blessed and Safe Christmas! Looking forward to a new year filled...
Advent Prayer with Father Marijan
On Tuesday, December 15th, Father Marijan came to the front of our school to bless...