
French Immersion Info Night Wedn. Nov. 28th 2018

Don’t miss our Information Night for the French Immersion program!   Registrations start online November 26th...

Lest We Forget…

The Grass of Flanders Field As the soldiers stepped onto the Grass, brown and red...

Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winners!

On October 31st, just before lunch, four parents from our school had the pleasure to...

Active School Travel November Article is here!

November AST article...


Congratulations to our Early Bird #2 Winners! We are getting close to our final Draw…Great...

Our Finalists Are Running Today, Oct. 18th 2018. Go Lions Go!

On October 18th, our Cross Country finalists will test their skill against the top finalists...

Our Halloween Dance Fundraiser is under way!

Our Halloween Dance fundraiser is well under way, with 6 Early Bird winners for our...

Every Child Matters!
