French Immersion Info Night Wedn. Nov. 28th 2018
Don’t miss our Information Night for the French Immersion program! Registrations start online November 26th 2018.
Lest We Forget…
The Grass of Flanders Field
As the soldiers stepped onto the
Grass, brown and red
They think of where they
Could be instead.
Perhaps at home
With the ones that they love
In the warmth with the
Uncloudy, blue sky above.
Or covered with ... Continue reading "Lest We Forget…"
Wishing Everyone a Safe and Happy Halloween!
Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winners!
On October 31st, just before lunch, four parents from our school had the pleasure to draw the winning tickets out of the jar. Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winners!
More details will follow with an update of our successful fundraiser. Stay tuned!
Happy Halloween!