Today is Trinity Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost on which we honour the Most Holy Trinity. Every time we make the sign of the cross, we are declaring our belief in the Holy Trinity — the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trinity means “three in one.” This is a central idea of our faith.
Love of Jesus, fill us.
Holy Spirit, guide us.
Will of the Father, be done.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.
Shake for Sharelife
Thank you to parents, guardians and family members for supporting our SHAKE for SHARELIFE charity fundraiser!
We are pleased to report that $3000.00 was raised through the combined donations made via School-Day and directly to ShareLife, as well as the profit earned from the sale of glow accessories! What a joy it is to send these funds to ShareLife (Archdiocese of Toronto), on behalf of our St. Mark CES families!
The primary focus of ShareLife is supporting agencies that carry out the mission work of the Church. Their efforts to serve the marginalized in our communities and around the world are made possible thanks to the generosity of donors. Your generosity is sincerely valued and appreciated!
Students who earned draw tickets from donations made in their name received a letter with green draw tickets last Thursday.
Please note that Monday, May 27th is the last day for students to enter their draw tickets for a chance to win one or more prizes! Good luck LIONS!!
Red Shirt Day
During National AccessAbility Week (NAAW), the Easter Seals initiative invites Canadians to unite by wearing red in schools, workplaces, and public spaces.
This collective action aims to:
– Demonstrate support for individuals and families living with disabilities.
– Commemorate the accomplishments of people with disabilities.
– Commit to fostering a fully accessible and inclusive society that recognizes and values the contributions of individuals of all abilities throughout Canada.
Let’s join forces as Canadians, including students and staff, and wear a red shirt on Wednesday, May 29th to celebrate the impactful roles and leadership of Canadians with disabilities, and reduce stigma and prejudiced attitudes towards people with disabilities!
Talent Show
St. Mark CES has talent! Calling all Grades 3-6 students to showcase their talent!!
Can your child juggle? Is he/she a singer? Does your child do magic? Is he/she a dancer? The list goes on! We invite Grades 3-6 students to share their talent with the St. Mark community on Thursday, June 20th at 12:30pm! Parents, guardians and family members are welcome to attend!
Information regarding auditions will follow at school this week.
We can’t wait to see our student talent!
Play Day
St. Mark CES will host an end of year Play Day on Wednesday, June 26th. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 will participate in the activities, and students in Grades 4-6 will lead our K-3 teams. It is sure to be a great day of school spirit and fun!
St. Mark CES BBQ
We look forward to the St. Mark CES BBQ on Wednesday, June 12th from 5:30-7:30pm, sponsored by our Catholic School Council!
Please find attached information regarding the ingredients for hamburgers, all beef hotdogs, veggie burgers and buns.
All Beef Burger Ingredients
Don’t forget to place your food orders by Tuesday, June 4th!
We wish students in Grades 3 and 6 the best of luck as they prepare to write the Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics!
Next Week’s Activities and Events
Here is a look ahead to next week…
Tuesday, May 28th:
– FDK Trip to Willowgrove Centre, all day
– Grade 2 Trip to Kortright Centre, all day
– Grades 3 and 6 EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, morning only
Wednesday, May 29th:
– Red Shirt Day; students and staff are invited to wear a red shirt to show support for individuals and families living with disabilities, and commemorate the accomplishments of people with disabilities
Thursday, May 30th:
– Grades 3 and 6 EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, morning only
Upcoming Activities and Events
June 3rd: Bracelet Making Workshop (for students who received their 1st Holy Communion) in library, 11:30am-12:10pm; sponsored by CSC
June 4th: Grade 6 Family of Schools Farewell Mass at St. Mark Parish, 10:00am
June 7th: PA Day (no school)
June 12th: End of Year Mass at St. Mark Parish, 10:00am; parents and guardians are invited to attend
June 12th: End of Year BBQ, 5:00-7:00pm; sponsored by CSC
June 13th: FDK Fire Hall Visit
June 20th: Talent Show, 12:30pm
June 21st: Grade 6 End of Year Trip at Timber Creek, all day
June 21st: FDK End of Year Celebration in gym, 12:30pm
June 24th: Junior Track and Field Area Meet at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS, all day
June 25th: Grade 6 Celebration in gym, 12:30pm
June 26th: PLAY Day
June 28th: PA Day (no school)
June 28th: Reports cards available via Parent Portal at 4:00pm
Closing Prayer
In this month devoted to Mary we pray the Hail Mary:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
St. Mark, pray for us.
Wishing you a great week!
C. Quadrini, Principal