Category: General

Welcome Back and First Day of School Information

As we anticipate the start of the school year, let us pray for St. Mark CES students, staff and families, as they prepare for the first day of school.

God of love, Jesus the teacher, and Spirit of wisdom:

As children prepare for their first day of the school year, Let them place their dreams and cares before you. ... Continue reading "Welcome Back and First Day of School Information"

Blessed Chiara Badano French Immersion Parent Information Night, April 17 2023

On Monday April 17, 2023, parents were invited to Blessed Chiara Badano  French Immersion Information Night held at St. Mark CES.

It was a great opportunity for parents of French Immersion students at St. Brendan, St Mark, and future new to our school board French Immersion parents to gather together and receive an update on the new Stouffville school, starting September 2023, as ... Continue reading "Blessed Chiara Badano French Immersion Parent Information Night, April 17 2023"

Congratulations to our Free Throw Participants!

Congratulations to our 6 students from grades 4 to 8 who represented our school so well at the local Knight of Columbus Free Throw Competition on January 12 2023: Mia, Isabella, Francesco, Chloe, Christian, James, and Brandon!

Special congratulations to James for coming in first place for his category. All the best at the District Finals on  February 13 2023. Go Lions Go! ... Continue reading "Congratulations to our Free Throw Participants!"