
Advent Mass Thursday December 9th, 2021

Please join us for our Stouffville Schools Advent Mass on Thursday December 9th, 2021 at 1:00 pm.

We look forward to celebrating this joyous occasion as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.  A big thank you to Mrs. Riddell’s class for leading us in prayer and to Father Michael for celebrating mass with our schools and parent community.

Live stream link: ... Continue reading "Advent Mass Thursday December 9th, 2021"

STEM Whole School Challenge

On Wednesday November 24th, all students at St. Mark shared in the excitement and learning from the unique challenge of creating A Throne Fit For A Teacher using only recyclable materials.  From kindergarten to grade 8, team work, collaboration and fun were had by all, as students showed great creativity and problem solving skills.

Way to go students!

Here are some ... Continue reading "STEM Whole School Challenge"

French Immersion Information Session: December 2, 2021

Parents are invited to attend our annual French Immersion information session on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7 pm. The information session will provide an overview of the French Immersion program and explain the criteria for enrolment, as well as the application and registration processes.

Parents and guardians interested in learning more about the program or enrolling their children for ... Continue reading "French Immersion Information Session: December 2, 2021"

Remembrance Day

On Thursday November 11th, all students and staff wore their poppy proudly.

A big thank you goes out to the students in Mr. Macri’s class for leading us in prayer during our Liturgy. Thank you to Michelle, Erin, Charlize, Luke and Michael, our wonderful readers.

Thank you to all parents for their generous donations for the poppies. Our money collection will ... Continue reading "Remembrance Day"