
Congratulations To Our Cross Country Runners!

On Tuesday October 2nd, students from grade 4 to grade 8 competed in the Cross Country Run at Bruce’s Mill. A big congratulation goes out to all runners for their dedication and perseverance during their numerous practices, and their performance on the Big Day! Overall, we came in 4th as a school, with many students placing in their age categories.

Thank you to ... Continue reading "Congratulations To Our Cross Country Runners!"

We are a Nut Safe School!

We have students with potentially life threatening forms of allergic reactions called Anaphylaxis.  If an allergic child comes in contact with even a small quantity of peanuts or other nut products, the child may develop hives, swelling and/or have difficulty breathing.  Immediate action must be taken by administration of an Epi-Pen. If untreated or delayed, these symptoms may become more severe leading to a drop ... Continue reading "We are a Nut Safe School!"

Wishing you a safe and blessed summer! Watch out for news about our early order for Spirit Wear, mid August.

Summer is here! A  welcome time to enjoy the outdoors, spend time as a family, and read many good books.  It is also a time to reflect on the school year that has passed, the friendships we have built, and the many wonderful things we have accomplished as a community.

Enjoy the summer and see you back September 3rd for another exciting year ... Continue reading "Wishing you a safe and blessed summer! Watch out for news about our early order for Spirit Wear, mid August."

Super Junior Boys’ Basketball Exhibition Games!

A big thank you goes out to Mme Ryan and Mr. Mullen for organizing and running an amazing night of great basketball games.  On Friday, April 26th, after school, our junior boys’ basketball team competed against the junior boys’ teams from St. Brigid CES and San Lorenzo Ruiz CES in some friendly Exhibition Games.

All students displayed great skills and sportsmanship, and our  ... Continue reading "Super Junior Boys’ Basketball Exhibition Games!"